I can’t say enough about what Sally (My dear friend) has done to educate me and change my life.

I am not a good listener but,  I knew I needed to change what I put in my body and on my body!

Problem solved….

Come, listen, and enjoy.

April 9, 2011,  4-6pm

The Horsch House

3649 Gettysburg ave n

New Hope, Mn 55427

Let us know…763-544-4731 regrets.

Food, drinks, and a fresh start!

do it, try it, enjoy it

Finally something that works!

February 21, 2011

Finally!  Thanks to my dear friend, I have found the healthiest solution to losing weight.

It’s so easy to follow and the results are incredible.

Once again all I can say is “Finally”.

Try it!

New year, New You?  It’s almost March 1st and if you are like me you want to start the year out right, get on the health track maybe lose a few pounds.  But 60 days in to the new year I’m still behind the ball with all the excuses in the book.  That was until I found the Arbonne 30 day Feeling Fit Guide.  Just what every BODY needs!   It’s easy to get started but you have to commit first.

1) Clean out your refrigerator, pantry and kitchen of the unhealthy foods (potato chips, high sodium soups and processed foods, candy, cookies, pop, and high fats)

2) Stock op on healthy foods and snacks and good sources of protein (chicken breast, turkey breast, eggs, lean meat)

instead of milk switch to Coconut Milk or Almond Milk to make protein shakes with and if you eat cereal they are great on cereal.  Also get steel cut oats, and brown rice.

Healthy Snack Options: Raw Almonds or Cashews (not salted), Goji Berry‘s, fresh organic veggies: celery sticks, carrots, broccoli, etc

Detox Tea is great for in between meals and at night. (3 cups of detox tea a day is helpful)

3)  Get plenty of sleep, exercise and don’t beat yourself up if you have a bad day!

If you want to start with your Arbonne 30 fit kit shoot me an email or call me and I will get you started.  Protein for shakes. I have a vegan protein powder you can mix in the blender or I have pre made shakes in Chocolate and Vanilla.  I have great recipes to make your own. I do one of each daily.

Cheers to your health!!

Sally Koskinen

District Manager, Independent Consultant

Arbonne International




Living a healthier tomorrow takes better choices today.